#NaPoWriMo2022 #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day28
If I could peregrinate to the innocent alleys of yore
I’d chase the butterflies, riding on a unicorn
Satiating my core
If I could design my own li’l space to fill up my void
I’d create a timeless warehouse storing innocence
So that it’s never destroyed.
If I could reach the sunset marked skyline
I’d create a boundary of new beginning
Where hope and certitude would combine
If I could extend my arms to feel your embers
Lighting up the crestfallen night sky
I’d have successfully conflated my flinders
If I could find a tranquil place
Where trees cast long shadows that reach river banks
My wounds would have been salved in the verdant embrace.
If I could dare to dream a li’l further
With my open eyes
Our shadows could’ve spent a little more forever together.
You are my favourite Wordsmith forever my dear beautiful 😘😘