
Debashree Basak

Hi, I'm Debashree An erstwhile Banker who currently loves to scribble her heart out. A mother, passionate blogger, published author and published poet. I totally believe in the power of words, they can heal the world and herald a change. Therefore, I do my bit by contributing while concurrently satiating my soul.



The Right Timing

I still quaver with rage for the way I was made to depart. The hysterical wails of my grieving family made me antsy but I was helpless that day. I’m jolted back to the present,...

𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞

A few decades have passed by since I last heard that kinda ‘music’ (if at all, I can call it music). As an adolescent my sense of music was rock-bottom in the truest sense. My...

𝐈𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐞?

It’s the same nightmare! Every time I see her ascending the stairs to that picturesque but haunted palace. Extreme fear floods my body coursing through every vein, bone and organ as I see an...


The glistening moonlight rippled, 'midst the star-spangled ebony skies, Bathing us in hypnotic glow, Replete with glinting emotions.     The coupled quivering lips stretched, The glistening moonlight rippled, Sauntering through our tepid souls, Whispering Amaranthine dreams.     Sentiments deep flutter, rejoice, Golden arc hums ballads...

Eclectic Emotions

When I started my soulful journey into the world of writing, I was awestruck by the solace it offered. Initially it was only my words and I. I let my heart out on paper sans...

Infinitely Far Yet Within

#NaPoWriMo2022 at #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day29     The ruddy constellation, the crimson orb Whistle the hushed songs of unfulfilled love Garnished by unvoiced emotions Strewn with a gazillion of untold stories Reverberates in the stillness of ebony night Augmented by the muted...

In The Window Of Time

#NaPoWriMo2022  #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day28   If I could peregrinate to the innocent alleys of yore I’d chase the butterflies, riding on a unicorn Satiating my core   If I could design my own li’l space to fill up my void I’d...

Que Sera Sera

#NaPoWriMo2022  #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day27       The thunder rolled across the spiteful charcoal sky Sonorous rumbling, reverberating with ominous cry Lachrymal echoes, impales my melancholic soul Having lost you, solitary poignant pearls trickle down.   Impulsive growling ebbs and flows Reminiscing ebullient times,...

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The Old Church

Mon Amour

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The Rebel’s Roar


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