I couldn’t believe I was a part of the majestic hooding ceremony, after today I’d be Dr. Lorelei Bright. In a grand amphitheater adorned with celestial motifs and vast cosmic murals, under the radiant...
"You’re a bazillion galaxies away from the planet Earth. This is the largest privately owned tactical training center, complete with R&D labs, life-boarding simulators. We do threat assessments and diplomatic training. All of you...
“I can’t believe it’s already July! Soon you’ll be leaving for your college this Fall; time to grow up girl. Now stop being dependent on me for all trivial things.” Bina’s muffled yet concerned...
Since my birth, I was incarcerated within the morbid, chaotic prejudices.
I yearned for a breather to break free the feigned passage of time. None seemed to approve of my ‘non-girlish’ dreams, with questions like...
I named her Dream. Her eyes have a bazillion stories to tell, the stories that weren’t judgmental but were enswathed in jejune hues of lost days. Her diaphanous flowing mane was a sight to...
“Adapt to changes
Learn to fly
For in everyone
Lies a butterfly!”
Maa’s words reverberated in my ears. She was the first person who’d realized I was worth far more than the drugs I was doing way back...
Life as a paranormal investigator, sure ain’t a cakewalk. But I stood firm on my unyielding resolve.
Based on my immaculate and efficient track record, I was assigned the complex case of ‘The Wailing Castle’...
Everything around seemed to be an aching reminder of the muted past. The wafting aroma of strawberry cake from the nearby café piqued my nostalgia. The first bite of the cake was exclusively for...